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Buckle up and get ready to fly!


Suspensions often look easy but can be quite a challenge for both the shibarite and the ukete. In this workshop we aim to give each participating couple lots of personal attention to tackle your individual challenges. At the end of the class you will have completed your first sideway suspension (yoko zuri). You will learn to add and adjust new components to reach a position in the air that is aesthetically pleasing for the shibarite and comfortable for the model.

We will start by checking your fluency in tying the building blocks: the TK/chest harness and your uplines. We will refresh your knowledge on possible injuries and safety measures so you will be able to execute your suspensions in a calm, considered and safe way.

We will then add some new components to make suspensions more comfortable for the model and last longer. These include a basic hip harness (gunslinger) and a leg cuff. When you both feel confident with all necessary components we will guide you to your first suspensions.

For who:

This workshop is for (play) couples that have done the Introduction and Shibari Basics courses at Shibari Lounge. We expect you to be proficient in tying a single and double column tie, a chest harness and secure uplines. If you have followed your introductory and basic classes elsewhere, please contact us so we can assess if your skills level matches our prerequisites.


For this workshop you need 8 ropes of 7-8 meters in length. We recommend you also bring 2-3 carabiners and a blindfold. If you do not have carabiners or a blindfold, you can borrow them with us.


Price of the workshop is 150€ per couple (drinks and snacks included).

Registration is per couple only. Switching is not allowed during this workshop.

If you are single and would like to attend, try to find a partner at one of our Shibari Night events, other rope events or put an ad on social media, for instance in the Shibari Lounge group on Fetlife.

Workshop - Suspension

Upcoming Suspension Workshops
  • 18 Aug 2024, 14:30 – 18:30
    Suspensions often look easy but can be quite a challenge for both the shibarite and the ukete. At the end of this class you will have completed your first sideway suspension. You will learn to reach a position in the air that is aesthetically pleasing for the shibarite and comfortable for the model.

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This website is created and updated by Marc BeShibari and Shibarista Jess © 2018-2024. If you notice something out of the ordinary, please let us know via our contact page!

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