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A Weekend with Kasumi Hourai - Saturday Workshop 23/9
A Weekend with Kasumi Hourai - Saturday Workshop 23/9

A Weekend with Kasumi Hourai - Saturday Workshop 23/9

Explore the Fusion Between Traditional Japanese Culture and Rope Bondage with Japan's Leading Female Kinbakushi - Day 1

Time & Location

23 Sept 2023, 11:00 – 18:00

Shibari Lounge, Sergeyselsstraat 42, 2140 Antwerpen, Belgium

About The Event

The teacher

Kasumi-san is the leading female Japanese Kinbakushi. At 18 she became an SM club domina, before taking instruction from Akechi Denki when she was just 20 years old. She has been a professional in the business for 24 years, taking further training in tying and modelling with Akira Naka. She has taught in Japan, Europe and America.

Kasumi-san’s wabi-sabi style is heavily influenced by a profoundly traditional upbringing.

She brings a refined, haunting aesthetic, combining elements of kyokuero (eroticism) and ku (suffering). The deep impact of Kasumi-san’s teachings also appeals to male tops who can learn much about the subtleties of the feminine touch in rope bondage and erotic pleasure.


Day 1 – Saturday September 23

11:00 – 18:00

2 small breaks + 30 minutes lunch break

Level: Strong Beginner to Intermediate, you are confident with a single column tie, frictions and know how to do a basic TK

Kasumi and Oto will start with a demonstration, so you will get a visual image of distinctive Japanese gestures and movement (in Japanese: shosa) in tying and modelling. After this demo Kasumi-san will explain the philosophy behind it. There is room for Q&A.

You will learn:

1.  the specific variety of takate kote (TK) chest harness Kasumi uses. She will cover the techniques and explain her take on the TK. She will also address potential risks in using the TK and how to avoid injury.

2.  different ways of attaching an upline to go safely into suspension.

3.  “Fusha”, folded legs suspension. “Fusha” means ‘windmill’, which is the name Kasumi-san gave this tie because it makes her think of a Dutch windmill.

4.  some of the similarities between rope bondage and kimono tying.

5.  to tie with a minimum number of ropes, with a constant focus on your partner and how to use breathing to get in sync with each other.



You will need:

- an under-kimono (juban), thin bathrobe or thin wrap dress

- 12 to 15 ropes of 7-8 meters long and some short ropes of 2-3 meters

- a blanket or a mat if you prefer to work on that

Required skills level:

Strong beginner to intermediate, see above. Kasumi-san advises to take both days as one course since on Sunday she will build on the techniques she addressed on Saturday.


Saturday workshop: €250 per couple

Saturday workshop + Shibari Night Special with perf: €295 per couple


Fill out the registration form with your RSVP. We will contact you with more information on how to complete your booking via e-mail.

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