Workshop Basics of Shibari: uplines and semi suspension - 20/11
Basics of Shibari - Building Block 2: Uplines
Time & Location
20 Nov 2022, 13:30 – 17:30
Shibari Lounge, Sergeyselsstraat 42, 2140 Antwerpen, Belgium
About The Event
Explore the basics of Japanese bondage, aka Shibari or Kinbaku at Shibari Lounge in Antwerp. Marc BeShibari and Shibarista Jess will guide you in discovering the aesthetics and basic techniques of this intimate form of rope play.
Uplines & Semi-suspension
You will learn:
- answers & refresh of Takate Kote
- to tie different ways of safely attaching a suspension line to a ring or bamboo
- To safely attach a harness or body part
- how to execute basic semi-suspensions
For whom?
This workshop aims at couples with a first experience in Shibari, who want get to know the basic techniques better. You know how to do a single column tie and double collumn tie and how to use tension, contra tension and frictions and are able to tie a takate kote (TK).
Registration only per couple, switching during this workshop is not allowed.
Price: 120€ per couple.